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Biden says two-state solution 'only answer' to Israel, Palestine

A two-state solution is the only answer to a conflict between Israel and Palestine, US President Joe Biden said Friday, rejecting any shift in his commitment to Israel's security.

In response to a question that asked if he recognizes a shift in the Democratic Party toward Israel, Biden said there was no change.

"There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I'll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer," Biden said at a news conference with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

His remarks came after a group of progressive lawmakers and others in the Democratic Party called for a halt to military sales to Israel because of its bombardment of Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Biden said he spoke to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and told him his plans for Palestine that includes providing security in the West Bank.

"And recently we renewed the security commitment, as well as an economic commitment to the people on the West Bank," said Biden. "I also indicated to the Israelis that I thought it was very important that they stop in Jerusalem this inner communal fighting, it has to end.”

The president also said he would put together a major package with other nations to rebuild Gaza, partly destroyed by Israeli bombardment that stopped with a cease-fire.

"I'm committed to get that done," he added.

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