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Chinese foreign minister strengthens economic ties with Brazil during visit

Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said he met his Chinese counterpart in Brazil on Friday where they engaged in talks to bolster economic cooperation.

The meeting with Wang Yi took place at the Itamaraty Palace in the capital, Brasilia, where both ministers sealed agreements in the crucial sectors of trade and tourism.

Following the one-on-one and delegation discussions, Vieira addressed reporters and highlighted the anticipated positive effects of the newly-inked deals.

The talks delved into global geopolitical concerns, with Vieira revealing that the ministers engaged in discussions on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the Israeli war against the Gaza Strip.

The talks aimed to explore potential contributions from China and Brazil to a resolution to the international challenges, he said.

Reflecting on the comprehensive review of China-Brazil relations, Vieira underscored Brazil's historical adherence to the one-China principle.

"We have reiterated Brazil's unequivocal commitment to the one-China principle. We have also discussed in detail what else can be done between the two countries," he said.

Wang echoed the sentiment and acknowledged the existing "strong" economic ties between China and Brazil and the shared commitment to strengthening relations through the visit.

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