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Iraq hospital fire: Protests as Covid ward blaze kills at least 92

At least 92 people have died after a fire in a Covid isolation ward at a hospital in the Iraqi city of Nasiriya.

Much of Iraq's healthcare system is in poor condition after years of conflict and angry relatives of the victims have been protesting outside the facility.

Police say the fire at al-Hussein hospital started when sparks from faulty wiring spread to an oxygen tank, causing it to explode.

Arrest warrants have been issued against 13 people, local media report.

Privately owned news site Shafaq News reports that the list, issued by the Dhi Qar Integrity

Investigation Court, includes the province's health chief Saddam Sahib al-Taweel.

PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi earlier ordered the arrest of the head of the hospital, and said the fire was "a deep wound in the conscience of all Iraqis".

Health officials say more than 100 people were injured in the blaze.

The new ward had space for 70 beds and was built just three months ago, medical officials told the Associated Press news agency.

It was the second hospital fire in Iraq in three months. In April, a fire at a hospital in Baghdad killed more than 80 people.

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