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Lebanon ex-PM Hariri Trial

A UN-backed tribunal into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri in a huge car bombing in 2005 will deliver its long-awaited verdict on August 18 New TR News Agency will be present through, · Live stand ups · SNG Trucks · Broadband connection · Eng Crews · Indoor studio positions · Multi camera production · News packages · Global delivery via satellite and fiber Send email for booking or call our booking team directly for 24/7 hotline UK +44 2037649227 US +12026299363 FR +33176540104 TR +902122546390 RU +74995051583

We will be at your entire disposal to ensure a smooth transition of your team to New TR please feel free to contact us for any further enquiry. Glad to have you among us Best Regards, New TR News Agency operation Team

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