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Nearly 416,000 people in DR Congo displaced due to volcanic eruption

Nearly 416,000 people in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were displaced due to a volcanic eruption, the UN said Sunday.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a report that the city of Goma continues to see a gradual return of residents who had left following an evacuation order on May 27.

Several churches in various neighborhoods held Sunday services, including those located in the red zone. Activities in Goma are slowly resuming, with a few shops open in some areas of the city, according to OCHA.

Lieut. Gen. Constant Ndima Kongba, the governor of North Kivu province, paid a visit to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the city of Sake on Saturday. He asked them to remain patient regarding their return to Goma.

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