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'Safer than ever before': Leaders mark centenary of Republic of Türkiye

Turkish leaders and ministers, including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, celebrated the centenary of the Republic of Türkiye on Sunday.

“We are experiencing the excitement and pride of reaching the 100th anniversary of our Republic today. I wholeheartedly congratulate our citizens living in our country and all around the world on the Oct. 29 Republic Day,” Erdogan said on X.

Erdogan, along with several state dignitaries, later visited Anitkabir, the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Türkiye, for a ceremony.

"We have tried to protect your legacy properly during our 21-year period of administration, every moment of which was spent serving our country and nation," he wrote in the Anitkabir guestbook.

"As an administration that has brought Türkiye together with the historic moves of investment, we are determined to crown the second century of our Republic with the Century of Türkiye.

“Our republic is safer than ever before and in safe and competent hands."

In a separate message, Erdogan said by taking inspiration from Türkiye’s “rich historical heritage and timeless values,” they are actively working to make the country ready for the challenges of the coming century.

“Just as emphasized by Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, it is our foremost responsibility to ensure the perpetual existence of our Republic, which was originally established as the protector of the vulnerable,” he said.

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