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Turkey, US should boost trade, economic cooperation for 'full potential': Turkish president

Turkey's president said Monday that he expects economic relations between his country and the US to grow to reach their "real full potential.”

Speaking in New York City at an event organized by the Turkey-US Business Council, Recep Tayyip Erdogan reminded businesspeople from across the US of the 70-year alliance between the two countries.

"This very special and steadfast cooperation of ours has contributed to peace, stability and security in a great many parts of the world for years," he said. "The critical developments that have taken place recently have once again shown the significance and value of the strategic partnership between our countries."

He pointed out cooperation opportunities between Turkey and the US, including security, defense and investments and stated his belief that differences in opinions which occur from time to time between countries can be overcome through dialogue, solidarity and mutual respect.

Noting that US President Joe Biden fully shares the understanding that developing economic relations between the two countries is "both possible and necessary," Erdogan reiterated both leaders' determination to expand the bilateral trade volume to $100 billion, which is "a realistic target and is easily achievable as long as the right steps are taken."

Erdogan noted that the bilateral trade volume between the US and Turkey rose to $21 billion over the last year despite pandemic conditions and recalled that Turkey ranks third among the countries which the US exports to the most.

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