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UK border force could be given new powers to reject Channel migrants

UK border authorities could be given new powers to push back migrant and refugee boats in the English Channel and immunity over refugee deaths, according to officials in the Home Office, the lead government department for immigration.

Home Secretary Priti Patel is working to bring about a new amendment in the Nationality and Borders Bill that would allow Border Force staff legal protections over any incidences, including deaths and injuries.

“We are working to absolutely go after the people smugglers and reduce the number of crossings, let me be very clear about this. This is the work of this government, and it is night and day. There is no complacency here,” Patel said on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show.

“But it is difficult, and that is why we are bringing the Nationality and Borders Bill forward. That is why we are bringing legislation forward. That is why [the] Border Force have new powers and will have new powers in terms of returning boats or pushing back, but also intercepting at sea, all within the law, I should say as well,” Patel added.

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